Designer - Darin Cohen

What is HCS Threads or the Hidden Chamber Studio?

Our humble beginnings were in Glendale, California...

A band of brothers (good friends) who just liked music. We built a studio at my home, but it was our home. So much good music and quite a bit of hearing loss. But it was ours.

As we created music, I started to create artwork for our album covers. As the artwork became more intense and refined, I decided that I'd like to wear some of it to our jam sessions. That's where these designs originated... from music. And that's where HCS Threads was born.

Every piece of artwork that you see here was personally designed by me. Although many of the pieces may look drastically different from one another, rest assured that they all come from "yours truly".

I have a passion for color and shape. And as I've explored the modern side of my visual artwork, I've taken a deep dive into nature and beyond. I refuse to just plaster a design on a tee and call it "done". It has to look amazing. That takes time... a lot of time.

What do we produce?

  • The quality has to be first. I want people to enjoy what they buy from us.

  • Customer Service is essential.

  • We produce wearable art so that you look stunning in any setting.

Designer - Darin "Leprevitsky" Cohen